Friday, 15 May 2009

Starting over

I have allowed this blog to languish untouched for a year or so. The original intention was for it to be a knitting blog, and then I realised that I do a number of other things in addition to knitting, I'm an extremely slow knitter and that if I tried to restrict it to knitting only, I wouldn't have much to say.

My other concern was that a work colleague became aware of this blog and was reading it regularly. That made me super-cautious about what I write here. I don't know why I was worrying as I don't put anything seriously personal on this blog... Still, it ground to a halt.

Anyhow, I've decided to resurrect it. I still knit, I still read, I still walk. But I've realised that I also like cooking, and I've taken up photography. I've decided to use this blog to record how I'm getting on with these hobbies. Maybe over time, I'll start to see an improvement in the new skills I'm trying to learn.


PlazaJen said...

What a lovely surprise to see your name in bold in my Bloglines. Welcome back! And someday, we'll get around to doing that swap. I still have the yarn I picked out for you. ;) Thank heavens we operate from the same platform.

Gabrielle said...

Completely understand your absence and welcome back!

You know, I find myself quite stiffled in what I can write on my blog these days as so many people who know me, have now found my blog.

Family via my mother who joined Ravelry, ex colleagues via a colleague who knits and found me via Ravelry, new people I have met here, who I found via Ravelry.

It's tricky and it's why I have not said much about my experiences in Canada to date. To be honest, all of it has been great or is great. However, I don't want to upset anyone here - all my friendships are too new and fragile for me to feel that it is okay for me to say what I feel about living here/in this city without people feeling that I am being critical of the place that they were born/have grown up/have chosen to come and live in. Does that make sense?


Gabrielle said...

I meant 'not all of it has been or is great' in the comment above!

TussahSilk said...

PlazaJen & Gabrielle, thanks for your kind comments.

Jen, I have yarn picked out for you too, I've even wound it into center pull balls. I'll contact you via Ravelry and we can "get our swap on".

Gabrielle, I didn't realise that you were no longer in London. Somehow I knew you weren't around, but I figured that because I don't live in London, it wasn't such a surprise that I never ran into you again. I'm off to read your blog and find out what you've been up to...